Saturday, June 25, 2011

Manfrotto 322RC2 Joystick Head Short

Manfrotto 322RC2 Joystick Head ShortADVANTAGES
Speed, Sharing, Safety, & SnappingPictures
Speed: When you need to move the scope, you do not waste time turning any handles to unlock. Squeeze & go. When you find the target, you do not waste time turning any handles to lock. Unsqueeze & there you are.
Some users of the typical long-handle screw-tighten heads (like the Bogen 3130) work around this issue by screwing down the controls until they are "almost tightened" & then overriding the resistance to pan & tilt. This workaround fails for Sharing, Safety, & SnappingPictures.

     by Sarah
Sharing: when you find the target & step back to share your scope, there is no danger that your daughter will accidentally bump the scope & lose the target. He might bump the scope, but he won't lose the target. The 322RC2 has locked tightly in position & won't budge.

Safety: you don't must worry that a powerful breeze or thoughtless passerby will tip the scope, causing it to swing abruptly & painfully to a vertical position & bash in to the tripod which then falls over. The 322RC2 has locked tightly in position & won't budge.

SnappingPictures: You don t must worry that your digicam will cause the scope to wobble off target. The 322RC2 has locked tightly in position & won't budge.

Strength, Smoothness.

Strength: You need to have a strong grip to squeeze & hold that trigger while panning / tilting.

Note that the 322RC2 can mount vertically (not useful with telescopes) or horizontally either left- or right-handed. If the marketing picture only shows a vertical position - - ignore it.

Smoothness: the motion is not as smooth & refined as the long-handle type heads. Nevertheless I can find & track targets with no difficulty. Fine tuning (nudge field of vision a teeny bit to make the ideal composition) is a bit clumsy but I can change satisfactorily anyway.

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